Suggestion for Purchase

The Library welcomes suggestions for the collection. Please check the library catalog to see if the library already owns the item before you submit a suggestion. Requested items must have a publication date within the next two months and preference is given to items published within the last two years.
New York Times and LA Times bestsellers are regularly purchased and do not require a request.
We will consider every suggestion but do not guarantee that we will be able to purchase the materials you request. If the item is purchased, it will be reserved for you. Unfortunately, due to the number of purchase suggestions we receive, we cannot notify you whether or not the item has been selected for purchase.
It usually takes two to three weeks for the decision to be made. Keep in mind that upcoming books are available for us to order about two months in advance of publication release. You will see the titles in the catalog once the title has been purchased.
You may also visit the Information Desk to suggest an item for purchase in person. Please call the Information Desk at (714) 738-6326 if you have any questions.