Kids eBooks & eAudiobooks
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Libby from OverDrive
Download audiobooks and eBooks free with your library card. Browse the library’s digital collection, instantly borrow titles and start reading or listening for free. Libby from OverDrive is compatible with all major computers and mobile devices.
Colorful and interactive eBooks and eAudiobooks just for kids free with your library card.
TumbleBooks in Spanish
Colorful and interactive eBooks and eAudiobooks just for kids in Spanish free with your library card. Libros electrónicos y audiolibros electrónicos interactivos solo para niños con us tarjeta de biblioteca.
Free online collection of stories and poems in audiobook format, plus downloadable text for reading along. Find children’s classics like Aesop’s Fables, Anne of Green Gables, Grimm’s Fairytales, and many more! No library card needed!
enki Library
Over 5,300 simultaneous use eBooks from leading publishers as well as indie-published eBooks, some of which are right here in California! Tons of Kids’ titles too—like Geronimo Stilton graphic novels and the Sofia Martinez series! No library card needed!