
Dearest Library Lovers,


February is known as a month for love.  So, it only makes sense that it’s also Library Lover’s Month

Here are a few ways to show your “Library Love”…


♥  During the month of February, visit the library and grab your free “I ❤ Fullerton Public Library” bumper sticker!

♥ Check out some books

♥ Read an e-book on Libby

♥ Sign up for a library card and/or invite a friend to get one!

♥ Attend Storytime with your little ones

♥ Tag us in a photo on social media with a new or favorite read!  #lovefullertonlibrary (Instagram, Facebook)

♥ Participate in a “Mystery Date with a Book” (Ages 18+)

♥ Check out a California State Library Parks Pass 

♥ Visit the Friends’ Book Store inside the Library

♥ Sign up for the Library Newsletter

Sign up for the newsletter

♥ View more ways to Support the Library


Yours truly,

Fullerton Public Library 

Fullerton Public Library Logo

PS:  We love you too.

PPS:  Thank you to the Friends of the Fullerton Public Library!

