Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

Discussion Questions

1. Though the book follows the four friends—Joyce, Elizabeth, Ibrahim, and Ron—solving the murder, the only first-person POV is Joyce’s via her diary. Why do you think the author chose to show her perspective in such a way?

2. Joyce was a nurse, Elizabeth was in the secret service, Ibrahim was a psychiatrist, and Ron was a trade union leader. Who do you think was the most helpful in solving the crime? What strengths did they each bring to the table? What were their weaknesses?

3. Do you think that PC Donna De Freitas and DCI Chris Hudson make a good team? Do you think Donna was smart to stay in touch with Joyce, even though it was unprofessional at times? Why or why not?

4. Joyce says, “I am very happy to be overlooked and always have been. And I do think perhaps that will be helpful in this investigation.” What advantages does she gain by staying under the radar?

5. Society often writes off the abilities of the elderly—assuming both body and mind are deteriorating. Who misjudges the residents of Coopers Chase the most? What are the consequences of underestimating the four friends?

6. One of the reoccurring themes is the gray area between the law and each character’s moral code. Do you think Penny’s husband, John, did the right thing? How about Penny?

7. At any point, did you have an idea of who might have committed the murder? Who did you suspect, and why? Were you correct?

