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Children's - Kindergarten

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs by Judi Barrett - Life is delicious in the town of Chewandswallow where it rains soup and juice, snows mashed potatoes, and blows storms of hamburgers—until the weather takes a turn for the worse
The little red hen by Byron Barton - The little red hen finds none of her lazy friends willing to help her plant, harvest, or grind wheat into flour, but all are eager to eat the bread she makes from it
Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans - Madeline, smallest and naughtiest of the twelve little charges of Miss Clavel, wakes up one night with an attack of appendicitis
The mitten : a Ukrainian folktale by Jan Brett - Several animals sleep snugly in Nicki's lost mitten until the bear sneezes
Paddington at the beach by Michael Bond - Paddington Bear heads to the beach and worries if he will be able to enjoy his bun as one seagull after another follows him in hopes of stealing his snack
Clifford, the big red dog by Norman Bridwell - Emily Elizabeth describes the activities she enjoys with her very big, very red dog and how they take care of each other
What's the time, Grandma Wolf? by Ken Brown - A group of brave, or foolhardy, little animals creep closer and closer to Grandma Wolf as she gets down the stewpot, chops wood, lights a fire, and prepares to fix dinner, with a surprising outcome
Mr. Gumpy's motor car by John Burningham - Mr. Gumpy's human and animal friends squash into his old car and go for a drive—until it starts to rain
The very busy spider by Eric Carle - The farm animals try to divert a busy little spider from spinning her web, but she persists and produces a thing of both beauty and usefulness
Five little monkeys reading in bed by Eileen Christelow - Mama has said it is time for "Lights out! Sweet dreams! No more reading in bed," but her five little monkeys cannot resist reading just a few more books to one another
Giggle, giggle, quack by Doreen Cronin - When Farmer Brown goes on vacation, leaving his brother Bob in charge, Duck makes trouble by changing all his instructions to notes the animals like much better
Charlie needs a cloak by Tomie de Paola - A shepherd shears his sheep, cards and spins the wool, weaves and dyes the cloth, and sews a beautiful new red cloak
Waiting for wings by Lois Ehlert - Illustrates the life cycle of four common butterflies by featuring butterfly and flower facts, butterfly identification tips, and a guide to creating a butterfly garden
Corduroy by Don Freeman - A toy bear who is anxious to have a home is befriended by a little girl who is willing to spend her own money to buy him
Kitten's first full moon by Kevin Henkes - When Kitten mistakes the full moon for a bowl of milk, she ends up tired, wet, and hungry trying to reach it
In the rain with Baby Duck by Amy Hest - Although her parents love walking in the rain, Baby Duck does not—until Grandpa shares a secret with her
Miss Mary Mack by Mary Ann Hoberman - An expanded adaptation of the familiar hand-clapping rhyme about a young girl and an elephant
Angelina ballerina by Katharine Holabird - A little mouse named Angelina becomes the famous ballerina Mademoiselle Angelina after much practice at Miss Lilly's Ballet School
This is not my hat by Jon Klassen - A little fish makes off with the hat of a sleeping bigger fish, but his hopes of getting away with the theft may not turn out like he planned
Harold and the purple crayon by Crockett Johnson - Harold goes for an adventurous walk in the moonlight with his purple crayon
Pet show! by Ezra Jack Keats - When he can't find his cat to enter in the neighborhood pet show, Archie must do some fast thinking to win a prize
Tacky the penguin by Helen Lester - Tacky the penguin does not fit in with his sleek and graceful companions, but his odd behavior comes in handy when hunters come with maps and traps
Swimmy by Leo Lionni - A little black fish in a school of red fish figures out a way of protecting them all from their natural enemies
Froggy goes to school by Jonathan London - Froggy is nervous about his first day of school, but, even though it's hard to sit still, he has a wonderful time
Tap the magic tree by Christie Matheson - Invites the reader to tap, rub, touch, and wiggle illustrations to make an apple tree bloom, produce fruit, and lose its leaves
Who took the farmer's hat? by Joan L. Nodset - The wind blows away the farmer's hat and he finds it being used in a most surprising way
Curious George by H. A. Rey - The curiosity of a newly-captured monkey gets him into continual trouble
Sheep in a jeep by Nancy Shaw - Records the misadventures of a group of sheep that go riding in a jeep
Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys & their monkey business by Esphyr Slobodkina - A band of mischievous monkeys steals every one of a peddler's caps while he takes a nap under a tree
The busy little squirrel by Nancy Tafuri - Squirrel is too busy getting ready for winter to nibble a pumpkin with Mouse, run in the field with Dog, or otherwise play with any of the other animals
Rhyming dust bunnies by Jan Thomas - As three dust bunnies, Ed, Ned, and Ted, are demonstrating how much they love to rhyme, a fourth, Bob, is trying to warn them of approaching danger
Dino-baseball by Lisa Wheeler - Meat-eating dinosaurs face plant-eating dinosaurs in a baseball game
Knuffle bunny : a cautionary tale by Mo Willems - After a day with Daddy at the laundromat, Trixie quickly notices that her cherished Knuffle Bunny is missing and turns to her father to help her get him back
The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear by Don and Audrey Wood - Little Mouse worries that the big, hungry bear will take his freshly picked, ripe, red strawberry for himself
How do dinosaurs go to school? by Jane Yolen - Illustrations and rhyming text depict dinosaurs as they ride the bus to school, jump on top of their desks, read their favorite books, and have fun on the playground with all of their friends
Harry, the dirty dog by Gene Zion - When a white dog with black spots runs away from home, he gets so dirty his family doesn't recognize him as a black dog with white spots
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