1973 Exterior View
In April 1970, voters approved formation of a joint powers authority to finance a new library adjacent to the recently constructed city hall on West Commonwealth. Building authority bonds in the amount of $1.3 million were issued in February 1972, a construction contract was awarded in March, and groundbreaking ceremonies were held April 5, 1972. Learn more Fullerton Library history....by clicking the image above.
1973 Interior View
B.H. Miller of Huntington Beach was the winning contractor, and construction of the air-conditioned, split-level, 50,000 square foot facility took nearly 14 months to complete. When the new facility opened to the public on June 25, 1973, there were over 250,000 items available for check-out. Learn more Fullerton Library history....by clicking the image above.
1973 Children's Area View
A week-long series of special events was planned for the opening of the new library at 353 W Commonwealth, including a retrospective exhibit of paintings by local artist Florence Arnold. Children’s author Richard Chase was the featured storyteller of “Grandfather Tales” which is still available in the children’s room.
1973 Unique Library Event : Sculpture
A large, sculptured panel “Prometheus Unbound” was commissioned for the opening of the new library by the Friends of the Library. The piece, created by artist Sergio O’Cadiz and symbolizing man’s reach for knowledge, was originally located outside at the front entrance, but was moved inside to the lobby as part of the 2000 library remodel. Learn more about the artist...by clicking the image above.
2000 Library Exterior View
In addition to expanding the Children’s Library, the project will also expand the front entrance of the Main library outwards. This provided an improved public counter for circulation as well as reduce the noise level in the lobby area. The Local History Room was expanded, and additional space provided for a growing audio-visual collection. Learn about other California libraries…
2000 Library Interior View
Thousands attended the reopening of the new $1.6 million Fullerton Main Library. With plenty of new items to check out, the library circulated more than 5,000 items the first weekend. Children streamed in early and posed for pictures with Curious George, Franklin the Turtle, and Clifford the Red Dog. Learn more about other local Children’s Libraries…
2000 Children's Area View
By 1997, a bustling Children’s Room in the Main Library needed to be expanded. Long lines at the check-out counter, crowded aisles, and additional shelf space for more books prompted a space-study and Riverside architects Kroh/Broeske provide several options for expansion. Learn more about Children’s Services…
2000 Library Unique Event: New Local History Room Opens
In 1973, a formal local history collection was to established as part of the new library facility. With a $3500 donation from Lulu Launer, the Albert Launer Memorial Local History Room was opened as a tribute to her late husband’s many years of community service. The collection grew considerably over the next twenty years, and the collection was relocated to a larger space on the fourth floor of the library. A team of volunteers, under the direction of librarian Cathy Thomas threw open the doors to local residents and less-local researchers. Learn more about Local History…
2011 Library Exterior View
The $10 million Fullerton Library expansion and renovation project, made possible through redevelopment bond funds, was selected to receive the “2011 Facility of the Year Award” from the American Public Works Association. Construction of the photovoltaic solar panels in the parking lot, saving the library up to $15,000 annually, earned a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold Certification from the US Green Building Council as a pioneering example of sustainable design. Learn more about LEED Certification by clicking the image above.
2011 Library Interior View
The Main Library project includes a 30,000-square-foot library renovation and an 8,000-square-foot expansion. From numerous studies and planning sessions, the Library Management Team and Library Board established four priorities: creating a teen zone, expanding and consolidating the Local History Room, creating a state-of-the-art technology area, and adding extra meeting space, including group study rooms. The library addition was constructed on schedule and under budget. Learn more about our library builders…by clicking the image above.
2011 Children's Area View
Opening ceremonies began in the new Community Room with notable speakers such as Congresspersons Ed Royce and Loretta Sanchez, members of the Library Board of Trustees, Mayor Richard Jones and several councilmembers, and Library Director Maureen Gebelein. Former Fullerton residents and library employees were among the excited throng itching to see the new layout and design of the improved Library. Learn more about our Library Board of Trustees…by clicking the image above.
2011 Library Unique Event: Vending Machine
Fullerton Public Library’s first 24/7 book vending machine opened June 2012 in the SOCO West Parking Structure. Similar to any vending machine, a book is selected using a library card and keypad and dispensed through a swinging door at the bottom of the machine. Funded by a Library Services and Technology Act Grant awarded by the California State Library, Fullerton had the first book vending machine in Orange County. Learn more about the history of book vending machines…by clicking the image above.